Friday, June 29, 2012

The iPhone Gamer

The iPhone Gamer!

One last thing I want to do is I'm always interested in technology. As such I've always loved programming. The one area I've always wanted to dabble in is GAME Programming. Now it really started to get interesting when again, I got the iPhone. One thing in my early years in electronics was how nice it would be to have a portable game machine. Now there are xBoxes, Sonys, tablets, etc. But I was always interested in a world of small pocket computers. Now everybody has had a feel for gaming on computers. Example: Atari and Sega consoles! I've always wanted to know 'How do you do that?'. Well when I got my iPhone, guess what? It's a computer with games! So yes again, I'll have another site for this topic of discussion on game development.

I could get into personal robotics but I'll leave that for later!


  1. Mine iPhone too is full of games and latest applications which makes my day to day work much lesser than earlier. I love to keep all warriors games in my iPhone and even I customized some of the game according to my level of gaming. It is perfect fun for me.

    1. Marie, I just thought of something else! You can call my iPhone a Tricorder! (If you don't know what a Tricorder is watch a episode or Star Trek with Captain Kirk and Spock. he instrument they carry is a Tricorder that they use to get data from whatever environment or object they are scanning.) So now my iPhone is almost a do everything tool. Can't leave home without it!


  2. Hello Marie, thanks for the comment. You are officially the first to leave a comment since I started doing this blog! As I was reading your comment, I had to laugh because your phone sounds just like mine! Let me explain. Since I received the phone I too had a lot of games. But the more I used it I started using it as a tablet computer. I keep ebooks that I study on it. I use it to do my blogging articles. And I use it to keep my Internet marketing data in a database. So now I have less and less games than when I started. I'm also using it for my studies on the different subjects I keep up on. What I'm interested in is how do you use your iPhone in your everyday life. Is it just a phone, or is it a game console, watch movies, whatever. Your answer may help me in my future marketing ideas. Again thanks for the feedback, looking forward to hearing from you in the future!

